The Juice on Juicing
While I am sure you have heard about the healing powers of raw juicing, please allow me to refresh your memory:
Drinking raw fruits and vegetables provides the body with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which are all powerful ingredients to fight off inflammation and disease.

Feeling pretty down on a cold, rainy day last week, I knew it was time for a rejuvenating juice!
So, when I hit up a local trending Boston juicing spot, Pure Cold Press, I was ready to test out a new concoction for better health.
Now, the way the juice is brewed here is unique, although dates back several decades, in that the locally-owned presserie uses cold pressing. First, the fruits and vegetables are ground into a pulp, and then the hydraulic press squeezes the water out of the pulp, creating juice that can be stored in bottles up to a month.
The green Namaste juice I picked out was delicious and refreshing. I could taste the pineapple and mint and felt energized for a rainy Boston bike ride almost instantly.

A few other important notes are the cost of the juice, which was around $9. Also, juices are typically low in dietary fiber and high in sugar. Personally, I drink raw juices infrequently because of these two points and make up for it by brewing my own kind of "juice" using the Vitamix® Blender to retain all the fiber of the whole foods.

I believe a balanced lifestyle is in part fueled by the foods we nourish ourselves with, and juice certainly fits into my idea of healthy beverages.
To learn more about balanced nutrition and overall wellness, please schedule a consultation so we can get started on your journey towards better health, today!
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