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MoveWith ME - Audio Workouts for YOU!
Hi guys! If you haven't heard yet, I am teaching for MoveWith, a website and app that gets you moving from wherever you are. You can try

Get Outdoors for Excellent Exercise this Summer
New research is showing benefits of long, vigorous outdoor walks as a mood booster and anxiety reducer. It’s common knowledge that for...

Go to Bed.
Our brains heal when we sleep. Remember in kindergarten when the teacher would call out nap time.. I was always ready, pillow and blanket...

The Art of Saying No
As a young woman who thrives off giving to others, putting my own needs in top priority has been quite the work in progress, not perfection.

Why Hire an Online Personal Trainer
I have worked as a personal trainer for six years, and have learned a lot about what it takes to help people reach a healthy and active...

Massage as Medicine
One of my personal favorite therapeutic techniques is the physical touch and manipulation of tendons, ligaments, and muscle: Massage The...

The Juice on Juicing
While I am sure you have heard about the healing powers of raw juicing, please allow me to refresh your memory: Drinking raw fruits and...

8 Ways to Get Through Grief
Grief is something we all experience, even if it is not talked about frequently. A lot happens all at once when a loved one dies. People...

Go Ape **** For Antioxidants!
The latest nutrition buzz surrounding Antioxidants is NO joke! Scientific evidence has shown diets high in these free-radical fighting...

In the Spotlight: Sara Ewing
Like most of us, Sara struggled with keeping a balance between nutrition and exercise. So, she reached out to me for guidance and we...
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