Massage as Medicine
One of my personal favorite therapeutic techniques is the physical touch and manipulation of tendons, ligaments, and muscle:
The benefits of massage extend far beyond relaxation. Research has also found this ancient technique to have healing effects dealing with pain and conditions such as:
Digestive disorders.
Insomnia related to stress.
Myofascial pain syndrome.
Soft tissue strains or injuries.
Sports injuries.

We know negative stress can take a toll on the body and mind, one reason getting a massage to alleviate tension can be beneficial.
One study showed that full-body massage boosted immune function and lowered the stress hormone cortisol.
Massage helps increase circulation throughout the body and gets energy flowing from the head to the toes.
Consistency is key to making lasting change, so getting massage regularly by a skilled professional makes a big difference.
Before going to a clinician, do your research. Read reviews about the practice and seek out massage therapists who have gotten positive feedback.

Once you are at the appointment, do not be afraid to speak up and let the therapist know your concerns, why you are there, and what pressure to use during the session.
Crunched for time? Give yourself a foot massage with these techniques.

Please leave a comment below and let us know if you love massage and what other relaxation techniques help you stay balanced.
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