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How to Balance Your Stress Eating Habit
As Deepak Chopra puts it in his book, What Are You Hungry For, hormones work together as a symphony. When they are off balance,...

Spritz Up Your Life this Summer
The first time I wrote about seltzer water, one of my favorite summertime beverages, I confessed it's not the best for workouts “......

Sweet, but Not Too Sweet
Sugar is one of those things that most of us love to hate. The truth is it's highly addictive, debilitating to the body, and freaking...

Probiotics and Your Gut
Did you know, 80 percent of your entire immune system is located in your digestive tract? Our digestive systems are the second largest...

Lessons I Learned from Boston's Run to Remember
Getting back into running after over a year hiatus certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone. Figuring out how to balance training with...

3 Quick, Healthy Breakfasts Way Better Than Lucky Charms
Sugary cereals may satisfy your sweet tooth for the time being, but will wreak havoc on your health in the long run. A few detrimental...

The Joy of Meal Planning
You've heard it before: meal planning can save time, money and a whole lot of hassle in the long run. Now, let's go over a simple plan we...

Springtime Allergies: Home Remedies
Spring is officially here, and that means allergy season has started! Here are a few tips the doctor may not have mentioned. 1. Drink...

Superfoods: What do they Really Mean?
What is a superfood, really? All that the trending buzzword means is how much nutrient density a food has. Or, how much nutrition a food...

Balance your alcohol with greens!
St. Patrick's Day is one of the nation's biggest drinking days of the year. Focus on having a fun and a healthy holiday with these 2...
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