Go to Bed.
Our brains heal when we sleep.

Remember in kindergarten when the teacher would call out nap time.. I was always ready, pillow and blanket in hand. And then college parties, studying for finals, and family stress over the years added up and my blissful sleep schedule got all out of whack. Dreaming of nap time became my new reality because I wasn’t getting enough sleep at night. Sometimes I still do, depending on the craziness of the day.
I take my sleep seriously, even though I know I could just load up on caffeine all day.
But with real sleep, I feel energized, my workouts are amazing and my eating habits are on point.
It blows my mind that something so simple can make a huge difference.
Make sleep a part of your every day routine.
Like brushing your teeth or taking a poop..
Getting regular sleep allows your body to adjust and remember how to go to bed and wake up. Falling asleep and risin' n shinin' becomes easier.
You’ll be surprised how much better you feel during the day, how much you can scratch off your to-do list, and you will change for the better in your nutrition and exercise habits. I know I do.
Leave a comment below and let us know Y/N if you get enough sleep!