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About Cara
What is Online Training?
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Why I'm Shipping Out of Boston
When I moved to the city three years ago with my then fiance, now husband, I had no idea what was in store. Having never lived in a city...
The Importance of Meal Prep
Meal prep is no joke when it comes to taking good care of your health. Making time to get balanced meals ready for the week helps cut...
Go to Bed.
Our brains heal when we sleep. Remember in kindergarten when the teacher would call out nap time.. I was always ready, pillow and blanket...
Crockpot Vegetarian Chili Recipe
This nourishing meal is delicious and simple to make in the crockpot. Grab a helper for the chopping and enjoy a warm bowl of chili!...
It's like music to my ears when I hear people reminding friends, family, strangers... to stay hydrated. A nice reminder saying, "Hello...
5 Simple Steps to Mindful Eating
Imagine yourself sitting down to dinner at a restaurant or at home. What were your surroundings like, think mood, ambience, smells-...
The Basics of Balanced Nutrition
Have you ever wondered what it means to eat a healthy, balanced diet? Although research in the nutrition world is ever-changing, the...
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