Five things to Know About Meditation

In our busy, modern world, going inwards is probably not a part of the upbringing for the majority of us. Practicing this can help us go deep and learn more about ourselves and how we handle different situations that come up. Ultimately, living more mindfully adds to our human experience because we will notice the whole experience- whether distracted, overwhelmed, confused, and so on.. we can train our minds to come back to a state of calm and peace.
1. Stress Reduction
Meditation is all about putting focus on the breath and by breathing deeply, we are lowering tension in the body.
2. We can practice from literally anywhere
Ultimately, what is practiced becomes routine and is used in daily life.
Here are a couple of free resources to get started:
Websites: Tara Brach, Chopra Center
3. It's super simple, no sitting required
Coloring, playing music, dancing, sitting quietly, the options are endless. What brings you into the present moment?
4. Exposes Habits, Inner Balance and Flexibility
Noticing what is happening in the mind and throughout the body illuminates what is actually there.
5. Joy Booster
Patiently practicing meditation allows us to be free of our worries and experience joy - now who doesn't need more of that?
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