A Few Simple Tips for Battling Holiday Season Stress
If you’re anything like me, this month the pressure has been ON for giving gifts, sending out cards and baking perfect cookies. Im finally noticing the stress of trying to do it all adds up and not always in a positive way!
If you’re feeling it a little extra this holiday too, maybe try some of these things that help alleviate at least a little weight off the shoulders.

Get plenty of sleep. Priding oneself on the ability to run on a lack of sleep is not to ones benefit. There’s a plethora of research now on the nourishing effects sleep has on health and well being. Aim for a solid rest whenever you can.
Drink water- a lot of water. To ward off overeating when not hungry as one often does when offered any kind of homemade goodie. It’s a great way to avoid excess calories and the impeding guilt following the most wonderful time of year!
Dance and sing through it all. Fa la la la laing through it all may help not only boost your mood but also provide a feeling of gratitude for that which is merry and bright. Many times people focus on the negatives. So remember to stop and take it all in every once in awhile. After all, Christmas only happens once a year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!